Welcome to the new online edition of UNCENSORED, Fall 2016/Winter 2017, featuring recommendations from service providers for what the new presidential administration should consider in the growing crisis of family homelessness.…
Tag: homelessness prevention
Why New York City’s Homeless Family Policies Keep Failing
At present, more than 12,000 families and about 23,000 children reside in New York City homeless shelters. New York City has built more affordable housing, has dispersed more rental vouchers, and has established more prevention programs than any other city in the country. So, why, after 30 years, do the number of families residing in shelters continue to grow?…
American Almanac of Family Homelessness 2015
In a single, comprehensive resource, the American Almanac of Family Homelessness identifies and analyzes key issues surrounding homelessness among families with children, examines state strategies, and illustrates the impact of public policies on family homelessness across the country.…
Making Rapid Re-Housing Work
In this policy brief, ICPH finds promising results with regard to rapid re-housing program design, implementation, and certain outcomes. Questions are raised regarding replicability of aspects of the program in other localities where certain conditions, such as a depressed housing market with below-market rents, may not exist.…
Vol. 2.2, Summer 2011
This issue includes a feature on the use of the arts in helping homeless children and youth find their voice during unsettling circumstances. It also investigates New York City’s housing subsidy policies in the context of the national debate about Housing First strategies, the value of volunteers to both staff and clients at the shelter level, and a new program offering free, fresh milk to New York City families in need.…